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Colleen posted a condolence
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Our deepest condolences to the Gallant family. Bob was a great person and I always remember him making me (Colleen) laugh as a kid.
Thinking of you all.
Colleen and Owen
Danny Estioco uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, November 4, 2023

It was really saddening when I knew about Bob's passing. I met Bob at Long & McQuade Pembina where I work as a Sales Associate at the recording & pro audio department. After a few chat with him we became friends and music is the one thing that keep us connected. He became my student in basic recording and production and i am so happy that I became a part of his journey as a singer-songwriter. We shared a lot of good memories as we are both passionate with music most especially in writing & producing songs. He even got a chance to perform his original song Elita at our Son's album launching. Bob was a really good friend, a passionate musician & songwriter. We still have a lot song songs lined up to be produced and release but for now, a heart felt goodbye to my good friend Bob.
Here's the link of his performance at our son's album launching
Ken Schultz posted a condolence
Monday, October 30, 2023
i met him only a couple of times in the last 50 years, but I remember him as probably the best of us all in our musical attempts
Guy & Cheryl Comeault posted a condolence
Monday, October 30, 2023
We rarely get back to Letellier to visit friends and the "old home town" but I can't imagine what it will be like the next time knowing that Bob won't be there. He was Letellier's unofficial goodwill ambassador. His great sense of humour and compassion for everyone will definitely be missed. Our sympathies to the family.
Guy & Cheryl Comeault
Embrun, On
Mike and Penny Molotkin posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Bob was our neighbour, across the street from 1983 to 1990. He was always helpful, offering good advice on local aspects and his love of community was very evident. He was a kind, sincere guy !
Paul Roy posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
My sincere sympathies in the passing of a friend, brother,uncle. I will always remember that enthusiastic smile, the concerts, les Intrepides, les Sans Noms and family ball week ends with a great friend. Rest in peace dear fiend, you will be dearly missed.
Denis and Eva Drolet posted a condolence
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Our deepest condolences To Rick and Gloria and the rest of the family. So sad to hear of his passing. Bob was such a great guy and so kind in every sense of the word. Memories are many from our fun chats in the family store to pickle ball.
He was a dear friend to all in Letellier.
Rest in peace Bob.
Denis and Eva Drolet.
Ryan and Lynne posted a condolence
Friday, October 13, 2023
Our deepest condolences to the family.
So many memories... it's hard to narrow it down. I always enjoyed working with Bob. He was always in a great mood, told the best and corniest jokes, and played the best music in the store. Ryan also has fond memories of playing in the band 'Avenue' with Bob.
You have shed your earthly health issues. May you 'party' freely in heaven as you watch over your freinds and loved ones.
Lynne and Ryan Derksen
Christian Emond posted a condolence
Thursday, October 12, 2023
My sincere condolences go out to his family and numerous friends. Bob was a great musical collaborator but got to know him better when he proudly told me me of his French Canadian heritage. It was a privilege to have heard of his many anecdotes and I will miss his candor and modesty.
Au revoir mon ami et veille sur nous...
Christian Emond
Montreal Qc.
Denise Stone posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
I was very sad to hear of Bob’s passing. My sincere condolences to the entire family. The obituary well represents the lovely human being he was. RIP Bob.
Denise Jutras Stone
Monique Gobeil lit a candle
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

I was very saddened to hear about Bob's passing, he was such a great man with so much love & caring and so kind to everyone and just loved to hear him sing, what a lovely voice and now can sing in Heaven ....he shall be missed by many! Rest in Peace, Bob your suffering is over and reunited with your parents and sister! My sincere sympathy to Ricky & Gloria and Denise & Maurice & all the nieces and nephews whom will miss very much!
Monique Gobeil
Ann Dowswell posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
My condolences to the Gallant family. Bob was an amazing person and will be missed by all who knew him.
Lori Ihme posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
So sorry to hear of Bob’s passing! He was a very talented gentleman with a heart of gold! Will cherish his memory always! Heartfelt sympathies & condolences to all the family!
Beau posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
I was saddened by this news, of his passing I will miss seeing & conversing with him.
Bob was a great human being in so very many ways. I had the privilege of growing up in Letellier with Bob as a staple in the store & the community in general.
If there is only one thing I can say about him, is that would world needs more people like Bob.
Sharon Cory posted a condolence
Monday, October 9, 2023
So very sorry to hear of Bob’s passing. He was a great guy and will be missed by many people.
Diane Labossiere posted a condolence
Monday, October 9, 2023
Bob’s humour in telling à Letellier story was the best. He loved telling us about the times Nap would buy 2 quarts of milk and Bob was at the till “Tiens! Deux ‘laids’ (as in ugly); mouin pi toué.” Thanks for the memories Bob.
Nos sincères condoléances à toute la famille
Elaine (Simpson) Lally posted a condolence
Monday, October 9, 2023
Bob was always a friendly face when you came to shop at “Gallants” he was the definition of a good person. The world was a better place because he was in it.
Denise Vielfaure posted a condolence
Monday, October 9, 2023
Mes sympathies à toute la famille Gallant. Bob va certainement vous manquer car vous étiez toute un gros morceau dans sa vie. Votre frère, oncle ou ami vous a laissé de bons souvenirs et mémoires. Bob va être là dans vos cœurs et sera un autre ange au ciel avec tous ceux qui vous ont précédés. Que le Seigneur vous donne toutes les grâces, le courage et l’amour pour continuer votre pèlerinage ici sur la terre.
My sincere sympathies to all the Gallant family. Bob certainly held a huge place in all of your lives as he loved his family and friends. Whether Bob was a brother, uncle or friend, he left you all with good memories to laugh or cry with his love. He will be high above as another angel is added to your previous family departed. May God send you strength and courage to continue your pilgrimage here on earth till you meet again.
With love and affection,
Ron and Denise Vielfaure
Lynda parent lit a candle
Sunday, October 8, 2023

Gerry (Kake) Arcand posted a condolence
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Erika and I would like to offer our deepest condolences to Rick, Denise, and all of Bob's family. I have many fond memories of growing up in Letellier with Bob. I will always remember when Bob would bring many great bands for dances in the local hall. Helping set up and tear down was always so much fun. There were also many socials where Bob was the music man. I always regretted not carrying on his music business when he offered it to me, but I just didn't have the drive Bob did. Another great memory is going to Bomber games with Bob when we had season tickets for many years. It was always a blast going to games with him and several other friends. Sometimes we would also get in a Jets game after the football game. We were there the first time Gretzky played in Winnipeg. We always had such a good time. (Sometimes maybe too good. Those drives home were pretty long at times). Bob was always a true friend. We were very honored to have him sing at our wedding as well. He had such a great voice.I'm glad we got to see him recently at Deen's when Rick played there with one of his bands. Little did we know it would be the last time we got to talk to him.
Rest in pece Bob. You had a full life, even if it was cut short way too early.
Lisette Comeault posted a condolence
Sunday, October 8, 2023
My deepest condolences to the whole Gallant family. So sorry to hear about Bob’s passing. What a character he was, one of a kind, always in a good mood and cracking jokes. I have so many fond memories of Bob from my teens growing up in Letellier. Thank you Bob for all of your contributions and making everyone’s day a better one just from you being in it.
Ronald Woltman posted a condolence
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Sorry, cousin Bob for getting you into trouble in earlier years! You will be missed with fondness. Rip,.
Ronald Woltman and Joyce Woltman
Denise Pohl posted a condolence
Sunday, October 8, 2023
We were so sorry to hear about Bob! He had such a great sense of humour. Mom and I looked forward to seeing him at the Emerson pool on or wheelchair walks. He could always make her laugh. The Gallant family and their gift of sharing beautiful music was always very special to our family. Our sincere sympathy to all of you.
Denise and Rick Pohl
Luke Bonnie Chouinard uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, October 8, 2023

Sincere condolences to the whole family.
Bob had a way with greeting everyone with his own sense of humour, which we all loved about him.
We really got to know him better in the past few years. He loved volleyball, the Jets, the Blue Bombers,
swimming in Emerson, Pickle Ball, walking, but most of all his family and his music.
Every week we would venture out to Morris with Bob to play Pickle Ball and socialize with the group.
On our way home Bob would always hint, “ anyone feel like a London Fog ?” So off to TIM Hortons we would go.
We will cherish these memories always, and many more…
Rest in PEACE Bob.
Lise posted a condolence
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Our condolences to all of Bob's dearly loved ones. Bob was so gifted with singing and making song part of his daily bread. Bob without song did not exist, song and music was key medicine to loving and living a healthy life. And oh, how we will remember the good and fun times of Xmas carolling and broomball. We will also always remember his dedication to his consistent, daily presence of service at Gallant's Family Foods store.
When a person can touch one soul and cause change it's already a great accomplishment ... think of how many souls were changed through Bob's presence. You left your positive mark on earth Bob!
Gerald and Colette Houle posted a condolence
Sunday, October 8, 2023
We are so sorry for your loss. Bob was kind and generous with his time. And music! When he heard a couple of chords, it would remind him of a song… then another song… He will always be remembered with a song. He will be missed. Gerald and Colette
Dennis Derksen posted a condolence
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Rest in peace my friend.
“You did it your way.”
The family of Robert Paul Gallant uploaded a photo
Saturday, October 7, 2023

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136 James Avenue West | Morris, Manitoba R0G 1K0
Phone: (204) 746-2451